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Do you want to study in New Zealand?

Welcome to SchoolsNZ, a powerful search engine designed to help education agents and students find schools in New Zealand that welcome international students.

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With SchoolsNZ, you can easily find schools by location, year level, gender, type of accommodation, activities, or tuition fees.

Explore detailed school profiles, access essential documents, make initial inquiries, and submit applications— all within SchoolsNZ.

Streamline your search by saving a list of your favourite schools and keep all important information organised and accessible.

Features of Schools NZ

Search for Schools

SchoolsNZ allows users to search for schools by location, year level, gender, accommodation, activities, or fees. Instantly find a selection of schools that match your criteria.

View School Profiles

See what each school has to offer, compare your options, access essential documents, make inquiries, and apply online directly through SchoolsNZ.

Create Customised Lists

Organise your favourite schools into customised lists for efficient decision-making. Share your lists of recommended schools with prospective students and parents for their final selection.

Track Enrolment Activity

Online applications enable agents to track and monitor student enrolments. Schools can access detailed traffic reports, gaining insights into page visits and user interactions.

Who uses Schools NZ?


Discover New Zealand, known for its excellent schools and safe, supportive environment. Use SchoolsNZ’s powerful search engine to easily find and compare schools, save your favourites, and make the best study choices. Get ready for an exciting academic journey as an international student in New Zealand - your adventure begins now!


At SchoolsNZ, we make your job as an agent or consultant easier. Our platform is a single hub where you can find every New Zealand school, see their locations on a map, and swiftly search for specific providers. You can organise schools into groups, keep track of the schools you've visited, manage enrolment applications, and always have the most current contact details at your fingertips. Plus, we ensure you're updated promptly on any changes.


SchoolsNZ can enhance your school's visibility and engagement with a centralised marketplace designed for agents and students. Our platform features fresh content, built-in inquiry and enrolment buttons, comprehensive traffic reports, and document-sharing capabilities. By creating a detailed profile, your school can project a professional brand image, enhance communication, and increase efficiency.

Register now for a 30-day free trial

Explore SchoolsNZ free for a month! Register as an education agent, international student, or school. Start using SchoolsNZ today!

Why study in New Zealand?

New Zealand's innovative educational approach allows students to pursue their interests and strengths in a supportive and nurturing learning environment.

Enjoy a diverse culture that fosters understanding and tolerance, stunning natural landscapes that inspire learning, and opportunities for global interactions.

Located in the heart of the Asia-Pacific region, New Zealand offers opportunities for global business and cultural exchange, opening doors to future career prospects and international collaborations.

Your One-Stop-Shop

A central hub for New Zealand schools
Map-based school locations
Quick and effective school search tools
Organised lists for easy management
Updated contact information
History of visited schools for easy reference
Timely updates on school data
Accessible marketplace for agents
Direct enquiry and enrolment options
Detailed traffic reports for performance insights

Education Code of Practice

The New Zealand Education Code of Practice (Pastoral Care of International Students) 2021 establishes schools' responsibilities for the well-being and safety of international students. All schools listed on SchoolsNZ are Code signatories, demonstrating their commitment to student support.

Education agents, often the first point of contact for international students and families, must understand their responsibilities under the Code. Schools manage agents through reference checks and contracts, and agents must sign an agency agreement with each school before partnering.

Read more about the code here.

Developed by Nui Software

Nui Software has over 30 years of experience working with the New Zealand education sector. We also provide and support the eSchool administration system and online web enrolment platform to many New Zealand schools.

SchoolsNZ is one of Nui Software's latest products. It offers a new business model for schools by delivering multimedia content digitally, sharing documents, and conducting comparative reporting. Please feel free to contact us for further information.

This website and the SchoolsNZ brand are copyright 2025 by Nui Software. All rights reserved. Our Schools